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Regional Initiative to Strengthen the Cotton Sector in the Lower Shire and Zambezi Basins

I. Background

The first phase of the regional initiative to strengthen the cotton sector in the lower ZambeziShire basins(Cotton Shire - Zambezi) was implemented between 2015 and 2020, in partnership with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), in the provinces of Manica and Tete. This was a regional initiative that benefited Malawi in addition to Mozambique.

As a result of the positive impacts of the first phase of this initiative, the implementing entities (Brazil, Mozambique and Malawi) agreed to extend the initiative for another 4 years.

The Initiative's main objectives are:

  1. The transfer of cotton technologies;
  2. Training technicians and producers in good cotton production practices;
  3. Strengthening the cotton seed system; and
  4. Establishment of infrastructure (training rooms, dormitories and multifunctional laboratories) for the project.

II. Implementation and target group

The initiative is being implemented in the provinces of Manica (Guro and Bárue districts) and Tete (Cahora Bassa, Magoe and Moatize districts), benefiting 2,000 cotton producers.

III. Actions taken and in progress

  1. Cotton seed production standards drawn up;
  2. Technology demonstration and seed production fields established;
  3.  Purchased equipment, machinery and other materials for the establishment of the Cotton Technology Transfer Center;  
  4. Provided technical assistance to cotton producers, resulting in an increase in the average yield of seed cotton from 550 Kg/ha to 1,600 Kg/ha;
  5. Technicians from the sector were trained in subjects relating to the cotton production chain, with an emphasis on seed production and pest management and control.