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Who we are

The Cotton and Oilseeds Institute of Mozambique (IAOM, IP) is a public institute, created by Decree No. 49/2020, of July 1, with the aim of promoting the production for marketing, processing, industrialization and export of cotton and oilseeds, their products, by-products and other crops for textile purposes. It is an institution with legal personality and administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, under the sectoral supervision of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Sustainably develop the cotton and oilseed value chains by implementing policies and transferring technologies to increase the productivity, production and profitability of the players.


A sustainable, competitive cotton and oilseeds sub-sector that meets national and international demand.


    • - Professionalism;
    • - Solicitude;
    • - Transparency;
    • - Speed;
    • - Proactivity;
    • - Ethics;
    • - Rigor;
    • - Patriotism.

Our duties

  1.  Coordinate and supervise the promotion, production, commercialization and industrialization of crops under the supervision of IAOM, IP, as well as their products and by-products;
  2.  Create mechanisms aimed at increasing the marketing of products and by-products of the crops under IAOM, IP's supervision;
  3.  Encourage the production and certification of seeds of crops under the supervision of the IAOM, IP;
  4.  Create standards for classifying the products and by-products of the crops under IAOM, IP's supervision in accordance with national and international standards;
  5.  Assisting and mapping producers throughout the value chain of crop production under the supervision of IAOM, IP;
  6.  Ensure compliance with standards and techniques, preserving the environment, in the production of crops under the supervision of IAOM, IP;
  7.  Promote research and rural extension of the crops under the supervision of IAOM, IP;
  8.  Propose policies and legislation for the subsector.